Friday, March 23, 2007

Here is the other love of my life.

My les paul standard translucent purple beauty. The girls say it's pink but it isn't!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Were getting near the end of March already...

What have we done so far this year??
We have taken Alex to Esher Shore for a bit of Board riding.
We've been to Chickie to ride more wood and do some jumping and 4x.
We went over to Cwmcarn to ride proper mountains and sample a true DH run.
We rode at Aston Hill and scared ourselves silly on the Dh runs there.
We have quite a good level of fitness now for the first time in a few years.
We have booked Chamonix for September.
April we have the long weekend in CYB.
Also booked is the London to Brighton ride in June and The South Downs ride in July.
On the cards is a trip to ride in Spain.
We are seeing if we can fit Canada in somewhere during the year.
A night ride every Thursday evening.
Alex and I have started guitar lessons.
We Spin every Monday.
We play Badminton every Wednesday.
It still doesn't seem to be enough.........
I think there is a reaction from being stopped from doing everything we wanted to over the last 3 or so years.
There are soooo many opportunities at the moment and we feel that we should have a go at doing it all.
Still in the pipeline.
North Downs.
And some return visits to:
Aston Hill.
Mind you.. I still haven't got out for a spot of trials riding yet.
Now Chicken and Nick have got their jump bike we may get out for some urban fun.
Check back here to see how long it takes for a couple of old blokes and an old lady to get arrested for riding on the pavement.
"Honest officer....we is street riders innit .......wicked!"

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"I'mmm...gonna soak up the sunnn...gonna tell everyone to lighten up.!

Fecking Rain rain rain!!!!!!!
Where's global warming when you want it?
Alex goes to the specialists next week so we can find out where exactly we are in her recovery.
Mind you.. She's been riding more and more techie stuff so I think there will be a fast track way back to the high standard of riding she had 10 months ago.
Our trip to Eshershore last week showed how poor we are at balancing.
Once the evenings get more lighter for longer I think I'll try and do more tricky riding mid week.
(heard that one before)
Anyone fancy a street ride?

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Me. Trials riding yet??

Well I did wonder what excuse I could come up with for not attempting some trials riding this year.
At the moment, the best excuse has been....
Too dark!!
By the time I'm home from work it's too dark to go out on the little bike.
Whoever heard of trials riding using lights??!
What when it starts to get light later in the evening?
Only a few weeks to go so we will see.

Monday, January 22, 2007

A good outing to Chicksands..

This Sunday we went over to Chicksands to say hello to Suicide Dave who was visiting the area.
After a nice little warm-up XC ride with Gill we got to work on the shore and jumps.
Alex has been a bit tentative about technical riding since getting back on her bike.
Sunday was a true step forwards for her as she rode a few technical downs that would make the everage rider think twice about attempting them.
She also rode a couple of sections of shore which takes a bit of nerve if you aren't 110% fit.
She finished off on the 4X course riding smoothly and confidently piloting the Monster bike (The Big Hit).
Nice one.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

One for the oldies..

Here's one for thew oldies.
You youngsters can't have it your own way all the time.

Friday, January 12, 2007

One small step for runningkind.....

A giant leap forwards for us.
What with Gill being away on business and me not wanting to go out running by myself......
I thought I'd ask Alex if she fancied trying a little gentle small easy jog.
She'd have to take it easy because of her knee and all.
She jumped at the opportunity.
Off we went into the cold night... 5min walk...then breaking into a slow jog....
......then me thinking......she's going a bit fast for me!
All went well and I think we have another running partner.
I think the injury is getting better steadily.
More smiles please this year.

Monday, January 08, 2007

2007. A Happy New Year.....

So what's on for 2007??
A list of must do stuff:
Must ride Afan with Alex to make up for last year's mighty f***-up.
Book at least one trip riding in the Alps during the year with Alex and Gill.
Have the decency to at least attempt to ride trials after telling myself every new year that I'm going to and never doing it.
A couple of drops I need to get done:
Chicksands Log drop.
Chris's drop in Mardley.
North Downs "Cream Egg" drop.

I see a pattern emerging.
I need more in the way of BALLS!

Oh well......
Note to self......renew that BUPA membership!